Promotional activities in the low countries

September 4, 1995

On September 13, Gavin will play a showcase for the Dutch media in Amsterdam. Unfortunately, this show is not open to the public. It *will* however be recorded and broadcast by VPRO radio 3, Villa 65. The broadcast will most probably be live, so tune in to radio 3 on Sept. 13, at 22.00 hours.
The day after, Gavin will be signing records at recordshop ‘OOR’, Leeuwenstraat 44 in Hilversum (Holland), and he will also be doing a short performance. Phone the shop for more details (035-216579).
On September 16, Gavin will be signing records at FNAC (a recordshop) in Brussels (between 1 and 2) and in Antwerp at FNAC, between 4-5.