Emerald Germs radio plays

January 25, 1999

Gavin, Maurice and writer Pat McCabe are collaborating on a collection of surreal Irish tales: a series of McCabe’s stories set to music. McCabe in a recent Hot Press interview:

“It’s called Emerald Germs. The boys are doing the music for it, and we’re hopefully gonna do it with RTE radio, and maybe a CD after that. It’s a collection of 15 stories named after songs, some of them Irish ballads, others ones I’ve made up. There’s a James Bond spoof in it called ‘Don’t Say Whenever, Whenever’; a kind of blaxploitation thing called ‘Wakka Wakka’; and ‘Voodoo One’, which is set in Haiti by way of a tiny Irish village. There’s also one called ‘Island Of Dreams’ about this guy whose mammy turns up, except she comes out of the wardrobe in a Haitian mask, drums, all this.” Another story is a Taxi Driver spoof entitled ‘Tractor Driver’.