An Evening at Christie’s

October 30, 2003

U2 fan describes the invitation only Peter and the Wolf reception at Christie’s in L.A (October 14, 2003): An Evening at Christie’s.
“After a while, a lovely Irishwoman was introduced. It turns out she’s the President of the Irish Hospice Foundation. She gave a lovely speech telling the story of how Gavin got involved with the project. Then she told of how Bono came over to her house with the girls one Saturday, and did all the drawings that day! He had some studies prepared (which were hung at Christie’s also), but he did most of the actual illustrating that single Saturday. She said this was filmed, and it’s on the CD. Then she introduced Gavin. He came to the mic and charmed the daylights out of everyone in the room! He told a story about a loved man; a man so loved that everyone thinks he’s God. That man is called Bono. Then he told of a man so dark and dangerous that everyone thinks he’s the devil; that man is called Gavin. He talked about his involvement with the project, and how the money will be distributed from the sales of the booklet and CD. The money from the sales of the CD and booklet set will go to hospice care in the country where the CD was purchased.”
Pictures (thumbnails) at Wire Images.