Virgin Prunes scrap book

July 26, 2005

We received a scrap book this week from an old Irish Virgin Prunes fan currently residing in Brasil, where the weather was taking its toll on the book’s paper.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Flipping through it we were struck by some notes in the back of the book, written down during an interview with the band at Windmill Lane studios on July 13, 1982. Gavin and Guggi were talking about their plans for the band and the ‘Baby’ record label. They planned to use the label for solo work: “We’ll bring out an album of Gav’s father’s favourite phrases.”
Gavin’s father, Paschal Hanvey, passed away earlier this month, on July 13. The album in question was never conceived, but his quote ‘I didn’t come up the Liffey in a bubble’ has featured in Gavin’s work prominently.